Kevin Hagemoser
- Managed Service Providers
- B2B Service Firms
- Retail
“Never do anything for a customer you can only do once” was an amazing saying my mentor told me 25 years ago, I’ve been warmly introducing business clients to this concept ever since.
In 2012 when I read Traction by Gino Wickman I felt his methodology was connecting deeply to what my mentor told me so many years before about consistent delivery. Crafting processes and systems that allow Visionaries and Founders to produce consistent results for their clients and customers is my chosen superpower.
In my work with businesses via remote tools I leverage technology to overcome time and distance that once kept the average business from getting top notch support from Fractional Integrators.
As a Fractional Integrator for firms running on EOS® my role is to be the guard rails for the leadership team so new ideas get room to breathe while planning for their consistent implementation. Plus I provide a mirror for the firm to compare what they say they value and what is happening on the ground in their business.
Assessments tell us many things, specifically for EOS firms. The Kolbe A™
tells leaders where their team sits. Visionaries can appreciate my Kolbe A™ assessment numbers high in Fact Finding and high in Follow Through to keep the “trains running on time.”
Please reach out to me if you are looking for a strong operational leader to complement the Big Ideas of a creative Visionary. My focus is on finding exactly where resources overlap opportunity, then finding ways to double down on those for maximized profit.
It is my goal to deliver real value during our first call so you can see how a future partnership will provide you more time to do what you do best in your business.
Call me to discover ways I can take overwhelming operational items off your plate and help your team get more Rocks done this year.