Sonia Perron

KolbeSonia Perron

  • Financial Services
  • Manufacturing
  • Heath Services

819.253.0290 #801

“The key for success is: People! “
« La clé du succès c’est : les gens ! »

As a Kolbe certified consultant. I help Entrepreneurs to create a business that grows and evolves rapidly while providing a human work environment, in order to maintain balance in their personal lives and those of their employees. I revitalize their companies: I am committed to bring fluidity in their operations, control of their evolution and make any change in their organization a success: improvement, acquisition, change, growth, evolution, transformation and more.

I am the author of the French book Défi d’entreprise : croître en équlibre (would translate as Business Challenge: balancing business Growth) and I have accompanied many companies from start-ups to mature companies with 8,000 employees. I enjoyed discovering these great leaders with different missions and cultures, and they all had one thing in common: they wanted to reach their objectives and grow.

EOS® is the operating system that gives teams the tools they need to create movement in their business, achieve their goals and build a strong team culture. I can accompany you either in French or English. I also am PROSCI certified to help you manage your transformation, and assist you while adjusting with this new way of doing things.

My clients will say that I have a strong ability to grasp the issues quickly, always take people into account in my interventions, and propose creative solutions which are easy to apply.
I can help Clients with Kolbe assessments to align, optimize and evolve.

If you lack resources and need a Fractional Integrator, with a human approach, I will be happy to help you.